Sunday, November 30, 2008


yum rolls:) The rolls were so good my mom made them. they were so good on THANKSGIVING!
this was so funny. i took this picture.cohen had to smile so my papa did it. oh well.

YUMMY APPLE PIE!!! i was helping my ant adree make an apple pie here. this was my gamma's house.

this is my little broter he was playing trucks he tried to put three trucks in at a time but you can only put two in.

NAUGHTY LITTLE SISTER! i was trying to take a picture of her and i guess she did not want me to.


Anonymous said...

What cute picturesa you took Emerson. It was a fun Thanksgiving holiday wasen't it? i love to get together with my family,your family, and the cousins. I love you very much. You are sucg a sweet grand daughter.

Love, gramma

chelon:) said...

emmy- you should ask santa for your own camera!! those pictures are great. we miss you and we will see you soon! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Emmy, I always enjoy reading your blogs. They are always so cute!

You will need to take a bunch of pictures at christmas and update your Blog. I cant wait to see what you put on it.

Loves, Grandpa Curtis