EWWW!! Gross i had to hold "CLAIRES FISH" she was scard i was brave usually claires the brave one and im usually the SCARDY CAT. fish are gross to eat and there ugly and most of all
SLIMY YUCK!!! I HATE FISSSSSSSSSSSH oh grampa thanks too. Now buh-bye now you all.
I think fish are gross and slimy too! But it is still fun to fish. Love lauren
looks like so much fun. good thing you caught some big ugly ones!
Way to go Emerson, you little fisherwoman. You know in this family you have to fish. Rememver grampa is a wildlife biologist, and he had your mom and all her sisters fishing. He used to fish with hisgramma and grampa and thats how he became a great fisherman, your dad and mom do pretty good too!
Love Gramma
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